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Scientific Areas

Scientific Areas


    Research Areas Areas

    Quantum imaging

    Quantum imaging - a relatively new section of quantum optics, which uses the unique properties of quantum correlations, such as quantum entanglement, in order to obtain images of objects with a resolution or any other image criterion superior to any analogs in classical optics. The experimental quantum imaging schemes developed in the laboratory laboratory of the QPM can serve as the basis for devices: 'ghost' (also two-photon or correlation) imaging quantum lithography imaging with low noise (shot) quantum sensors and other devices. Potentially quantum imaging can be used to store, transfer and process data in quantum computers, as well as to transmit encrypted information.  

    Quantum information theory

    Quantum information theory is one of the most developing sections of modern science. It is at the junction of areas such as quantum physics, information theory and mathematics.   The basic concern in quantum information theory is to estimate the capacity of quantum channels. One of the main areas of research in the laboratory is the analysis of the information properties of various non-classical states of light. For this purporses dissipative dynamics of multimode states models will be constructed, that describe their propagation in various media. Based on such physical models, it will be possible to conduct an information analysis of real quantum channels, which will more accurately describe the operation of various protocols of quantum informatics and evaluate the throughputs of physical quantum channels.

    Quantum optics

    The methods of quantum optics are extremely extensive; they open the way to unique theoretical and experimental research, both fundamental and applied.   Of particular interest are two main areas of research in this area: Firstly, it is a search and description of fundamentally new quantum optical effects, methods for applying useful effects and methods for compensating negative ones. Secondly, it is the development of new mathematical models that describe optical elements that are sometimes well known from the point of view of classical theory in terms of quantum theory in a more accurate way, which allows them to find new, sometimes unexpected, applications, adapt their use to non-classical light.

    Last publications Publications

    2024 year
    • Арцер И.Р., Дроздов А.А., Козлов С.А.

      Оптическая физика. Часть 1. Классический подход к описанию явлений оптической физики - 2024

    • Shumigai V.S., Oparin E.N., Chernykh .V., Ismagilov A.O., Petrov N.V., Nasedkin B.A., Kalinichev A.A., Tsypkin A.N.

      Shumigai V.S., Oparin E.N., Chernykh A.V., Ismagilov A.O., Petrov N.V., Nasedkin B.A., Kalinichev A.A., Tsypkin A.N. Parallel multispectral ghost imaging data acquisition with supercontinuum // Optics and Laser Technology - 2024, Vol. 169, pp. 110135

    2023 year
    • Ионин А.А., Климачев Ю.М., Кормашова Д.И., Шкуринов А.П., Панченко В.Я., Балакин А.В., Грудцын Я.В., Косарева О.Г., Вейвей Л., Мокроусова Д.В., Николаева И.А., Панов Н.А., Пушкарев Д.В., Ризаев Г.Э., Салецкий А.М., Селезнев Л.В., Шипило Д.Е., Никитов С.А., Логунов М.В., Сафонов С.С., Федоров А.С., Сафин А.Р., Калябин Д.В., Стремоухов С.Ю., Андреев А.В., Митрофанов А.В., Сидоров-Бирюков Д.А., Ланин А.А., Воронин А.А., Рожко М.В., Савицкий И.В., Степанов Е.А., Глек П.Б., Назаров М.М., Асташкин Е.Ф., Романовский Я.О., Серебрянников Е.Е., Федотов А.Б., Желтиков А.М., Козлов С.А., Мельник М.В., Цыпкин А.Н., Розанов Н.Н., Архипов М.В., Архипов Р.М., Пахомов А.В., Павельев В.С., Герасимов В.В., Тукмаков К.Н., Комленок М.С., Хонина С.Н., Дегтярев С.А., Агафонов А.Н., Сойфер В.А., Конов В.И., Осинцева Н.Д., Чопорова Ю.Ю., Кошелец В.П., Филиппенко Л.В., Фоминский М.Ю., Кинёв Н.В., Худченко А.В., Тарасов М.А., Юсупов Р.А., Чекушин А.М., Ермаков А.Б., Гунбина А.А., Вакс В.Л., Домрачева Е.Г., Черняева М.Б., Анфертьев В.А., Айзенштадт А.А., Масленникова А.В., Атдуев В.А., Шураков А.С., Лобанов Ю.В., Колбатова А.И., Гайдученко И.А., Ожегов Р.В., Бакшеева К.А., Кочнев А., Бецалел Н., Пузенко А., Бен Ишай П., Фельдман Ю., Гольцман Г.Н.

      Терагерцовая фотоника -2023

    • Исмагилов А.О., Лаппо-Данилевская А.К., Калиничев А.А., Цыпкин А.Н.

      Оценка качества восстановления изображения в случае мультиплексной терагерцовой фантомной визуализации // Оптический журнал - 2023. - Т. 90. - № 8. - С. 55-63

    • Khorin P., Dzyuba A., Chernykh .V., Georgieva A.O., Petrov N.V., Khonina S.N.

      Khorin P., Dzyuba A., Chernykh A.V., Georgieva A.O., Petrov N.V., Khonina S.N. Neural Network-Assisted Interferogram Analysis Using Cylindrical and Flat Reference Beams // Applied Sciences - 2023, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 4831

    2022 year
    • Zalipaev V.V., Leibov L.S., Ismagilov A.O., Nasedkin B.A., Petrov N.V., Tcypkin A.N.

      Computational aspects of ghost imaging diffraction in broadband terahertz range // Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction, DD 2022 - 2022, pp. 136-141

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    2015 Department of Information Technology